Writing my REST ENERGY story

Hello! I want you to get to know me through my rest story.

I’m Amber, an intuitive energy guide. I offer rest sessions and coaching programs to renew your relationship with rest. Rest arrives through both stillness and movement. My recipe for your healing includes rest rituals, reiki, yoga nidra and coaching.

In 2015, as a young, independent woman, I found myself experiencing complete burnout of the mind and heart. I was disconnected from my body. I was disconnected from my needs and my deepest desires. I had lost sight of my worth, was stuck in a pattern of busyness, anxiety, co-dependent patterning, self-sabotaging and self-righteous living. I found myself stuck in self-punishing and self-blaming. The pain was too much to bare and I was fed up with the groundhog day living. What was my purpose? What was the point? I had achieved all that society wanted from me. I was a successful, intelligent professional that kept the shame of dissatisfaction quiet and hidden. Why am I not grateful for what I have achieved and all that I have? What is wrong with me? I can’t let anyone else know how painful this is. I had become an expert at appearing perfect and feeling completely empty. The perfection and people-pleasing was using up all my energy. I felt a tug on my heart to find another way. It was time to learn to let go.

My energy and rest journey began as I sat in my car paralyzed with burnout in front of a yoga studio. It took me 10 minutes to get out of the car. I landed in a basic beginner yoga class and realized I had just connected with my body for the very first time at the age of 32. I discovered a sense of self that I had not felt since I was a child. As I began to see the benefits of my yoga practice, I entered a 200 hour yoga teacher training program. I opened my mind and heart more and more and I began a meditation practice that was a catalyst for radical self-love and self-honesty. Meditation opened up a world of awareness and possibility. Awareness was the precursor for transformation in my life. I began to live a simple, adventurous life. I dove into the world of energy and was attuned to reiki I, II and master. As I became more aware of my own energy and how I relate to other’s energy I began to see my worth and my place in this world. I began to create a space of open communication within my body and my energy field. This allowed me to clearly see the life I wanted to gift myself. I was ready to gift myself a life of long-term peace, feelings of freedom, radiance and contentment. I was ready to live a life of true simple generosity and deep compassion for myself and the world around me.  The clearing and reestablishing of my own energy set me on a path of reclaiming my power in a soft, gentle manner through self-honesty, self-reflections and self-responsibility. The most supportive practices in my day-to-day life include coaching, reiki, yoga nidra, spending time in nature, meditation, free-writing, Tarot readings, and clear communication with myself and the world around me. I am here to share what I have been learning about repurposing rest and redirecting energy. The mastery of rest and energy is the foundation of my personal transformation. I care deeply for my energy wellness and in taking care of my energy, I have experienced an incredible healing process.

I am here to guide you energetically and support you in creating a world where rest is celebrated and honored. When working with me you will enter a world where naps are normal. With my support and coaching, you will move beyond self-care and take full responsibility for the ways you are living, resting and directing your energy. Receiving individualized support, slowing down and taking small action are essential for your personal transformation. You are always welcome here where long-term peace is the result of simple daily actions. Will you join me in this world where we are living examples of empowerment, strength and transformation?

What People Are Saying

I love Amber’s beautiful energy and light filled presence. Whether it is a healing circle, reiki or yoga nidra, I feel a sense of peace and lightness during and afterward. Her intuitive gifts are evident and so impactful.”


Amber has an amazing gift for compassion. Her loving smile and caring voice are calming and relaxing. Enjoy!


My Journey to Becoming an Energy Guide

Doctor of Pharmacy 2008
Registered Yoga Teacher
Reiki I and II
Reiki Master
Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra Facilitator 2021

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